Hudson Reporter Archive

Letter of thanks from Councilwoman Pirro

Dear Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Karen from il forno pizza/café for the successful “All You Can Eat Pizza Party” fundraiser she hosted for the Secaucus Animal Shelter this past Wednesday evening. Thank you to the il forno staff Alfred, John, Lauren, Louise, Mariana, Mo, Patty, and Phillipe. They helped make the event a fun and enjoyable evening and I appreciate their help very much!
Also, special thanks to the Secaucus Animal Shelter volunteers Carol, Chris, Colleen, Connie, Cyn, Harriet, Lauren, Mikki, Peggy, and Samantha who are there at every Town event to help with adoptions, raise shelter awareness, and most of all give love and attention to our animals.
The Town of Secaucus is very fortunate to have such a caring and generous corporate community and dedicated volunteers to help those (people and animals) in need.

Thank you all again!
Councilwoman Susan Pirro

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