Hudson Reporter Archive

An open letter to the Jersey City Board of Education:

Dear Editor:
At the May 24, 2012 regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Jersey City Employment and Training Program, all of the members expressed their full support for Franklin Walker and his appointment as Superintendent of the Jersey City Public Schools.
The Jersey City Employment and Training Program interacts closely with the Jersey City Public Schools on matters relating to assisting students who drop out before completing their high school education. There are also myriad additional educational services that are provided to assist residents in their quest for training and employment.
Franklin Walker more than meets all of the criteria the Board is requiring for the new Superintendent of Schools. In addition to his Bachelors and Master’s degrees Mr. Walker holds the certification for Principals and Supervisors. More importantly, with 38 years of experience within the Jersey City Public Schools, he is extremely knowledgeable of the students, parents, teachers and staff. He is also knowledgeable of other available curriculum and teaching/learning practices. A lifelong resident of Jersey City, Mr. Walker is extremely knowledgeable of our areas residents and history. He has demonstrated leadership by working with the Jersey City Public Schools students’ parents to involve them in their childrens’ education to encourage excellence. In that process he has earned their trust and support.
Mr. Walker has also engaged leaders from every sector of the community education, higher education, health, social services, private industry and public services–to provide the resources needed for our children to grow and become educated, healthy and participating members of our community.
We ask that you reconsider Franklin Walker’s candidacy for the position of Superintendent and include him in the final selection process. We believe that the best interests of our children, our education system, and the future of our community should compel you to do so.

Robert B. Knapp, Chair and Roger Jones, Vice Chair, Board of Commissioners,
Jersey City Employment and Training Program on behalf of the Board

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