Hudson Reporter Archive

Despite rumors, housing authority’s Marianne Camporeale ‘still a commissioner’

HOBOKEN — Housing Authority Commissioner Marianne Camporeale has denied rumors and reports that she has been ejected from the board.
“I am still a commissioner,” said Camporeale. “I will go to the next meeting if nothing changes.”
HHA Director Carmelo Garcia also confirmed that Camporeale is still on the board.
Camporeale faced claims during Thursday night’s Housing Authority meeting that she may have to resign after she failed to complete the required training courses within 18 months of her 2010 appointment.
The matter evidently was put before the board by member Jake Stuiver.
“This came to my attention and I made some inquiries as to what the proper way to proceed is under the circumstances,” continued Stuiver. “I was told categorically that there are no exceptions, extensions, or waivers under such circumstances. The statute is extraordinarily cut and dry.”
Camporeale then chose to step down from the dais, and the meeting was continued without her.
“It was a sneak attack,” said Camporeale.


Sources have said that if the position indeed becomes vacant, the City Council will likely appoint a new member to the board. Currently, the majority of the council is comprised of members who typically align with the Zimmer administration. Camporeale has been a vocal critic of Mayor Dawn Zimmer in the past.
“We most likely avoided having to redo the votes,” said Housing Authority Commissioner David Mello, who also serves on the council. Mello said that if Camporeale voted and it was later determined that she was not a commissioner, each item would have to be voted upon again in the future.
Garcia said that the Housing Authority has not received word that would enforce Camporeale’s resignation.
“The Housing Authority has not received a communication from the Department of Community Affairs or any authority at this point.”
Camporeale told The Reporter that she has completed five out of the six courses, and is seeking an extension to the deadline for the completion of the last one.
“I have attended most of the required classes,” said Camporeale, citing a medical condition as her reasoning for failing to complete the final course.
Mello said that he believed Camporeale would have to resign.
“To my knowledge there hasn’t been any written communication [from the DCA] but I’ve also been assured that there will be,” said Mello.
Camporeale, who was appointed by the City Council in 2010, would have had to completed the training courses by January.
According to a housing authority statute that was sent to The Reporter, a commissioner can become eligible for reappointment once the training courses have been completed. Stay tuned to The Reporter for more. -Stephen LaMarca

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