Hudson Reporter Archive

Harassment trial set for June 7

A trial date has been scheduled in about two weeks on charges filed by a Hoboken Board of Education member who alleges she was verbally harassed on public school property by Matt Calicchio, a familiar figure on the Hoboken political scene.
Board member Theresa Minutillo said she first filed the harassment charges against Calicchio last October.
A trial set for Thursday was postponed due to a scheduling conflict with another case. The trial has been rescheduled for Thursday, June 7 at 1 p.m. Several members of the Board of Education were in attendance, and some confirmed they appeared under subpoena.

All nine members of the Board of Education are believed to have received subpoenas to appear in the case.
Union City Prosecutor James Coviello said that the pending trial is the only one scheduled for that June date. Although the alleged incident happened in Hoboken the venue has been changed, apparently due to the public officials involved.
School board member Irene Sobolov and Vice President Ruth McAllister, who were also present at the trial, said they believed that all nine members of the Board of Education had received subpoenas to appear at the courthouse. Both Sobolov and McAllister said that they had “no idea” why they were told to appear, but indicated that they were there in support of Minutillo.
Board member Maureen Sullivan echoed Sobolov and McAllister’s sentiments.
“I have been subpoenaed to appear as a witness, though I have absolutely no knowledge of what happened between Matt [and] Theresa,” said Sullivan in an email.
Sullivan also said the board members were advised by the school board’s attorney that they were not compelled to give testimony because the subpoenas were apparently not delivered at least five days in advance.
Nancy Pincus, a member of the Hoboken Zoning Board and local blogger, was also present. Pincus said she did not receive a notice to appear.
“I’m here for my friends,” said Pincus.


Minutillo told The Reporter that she filed charges against Calicchio after he allegedly began screaming and yelling while she was picking up her daughter at Wallace Elementary School, where she attends kindergarten.
“He was [allegedly] screaming that he was coming after me,” said Minutillo, “[allegedly] saying that he was going to get me and that he was going to take me down.”
Minutillo said that there had been prior incidents with Calicchio in which he allegedly acted in the same manner. However, the alleged incidents never occurred with her daughter present.
“This case is filed primarily because my daughter has every right to go to school and be picked up without somebody [allegedly] attacking or screaming at her mother and making her feel afraid and fearful,” said Minutillo.
Minutillo also said that people have suggested that she is filing the charges for political reasons.
“This is something that I’ve been keeping under wraps for seven months,” said Minutillo. “People [are trying] to say I’m [doing] this for political reasons, and if [that was the case], it is something that I would have brought out months and months ago.”
Minutillo also said that she had “no idea” what precipitated the alleged conflict between Calicchio and herself.
Calicchio and his attorney, Elise DiNardo, could not be reached for comment.

Stephen LaMarca may be reached at

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