Hudson Reporter Archive

Too much of a burden (or opportunity) for any one person

Dear Editor:
This is addressed to Ms. Castellano, Joyce Tyrell, Vincent Wassmen and Lenny Luizzi:
My first reaction to the appointments of the Historic Preservation Commissioner, was, “Can she really do this?” The counsel needs to look into the procedure of one person having that much power over the real estate and historical monuments of Hoboken, especially since they have done such a great job.
Hoboken is a really desirable place to live! The Historic Preservation Commission could designate, or not designate a property as historical, meaning that one of our monuments could be ripped up for a real estate adventure. This is not right!
My second reaction was, “What property do they want?” Obviously, it would be a place that the four commissioners that were not reappointed would not be willing to let go. I’m not accusing anyone of a crime, but this power could open up the opportunity for future stock options in….what? Every person has their price and the price for Hoboken property and/or business could prove monumental. This is too much of a burden (or opportunity) for any one person.
Please, Ms. Castellano, as the former Historic Preservation Commissioner, start your own commission to watch over the opportunity that could be afforded. The other knowledgeable people that were not reappointed could be a start…and then give notice to Hoboken and the council of a necessary change and the opportunities that could come about per a designated historical place.

Bonnie Toadvyn

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