Hudson Reporter Archive

Static, but moving forward

We know what becomes of most music legends: Fame, sometimes fortune, the inevitable decline, often a stint in rehab, then usually a comeback.
But what becomes of the almost famous?
For area band Static Sea, the last three years have been a story of starts and stops, and jump starts.
Formed in 2009 by Jersey City frontmen Brandon Kleiber and Jimmy Francis, Static Sea has kicked around the New York City/Hudson County club scene looking for that most elusive gift in the music industry: an audience.
“It’s hard to get gigs if you don’t have a lot of friends who will come to see you. They [club owners] want you to sell tickets,” Kleiber said recently.
Kleiber and Francis early on decided that Static Sea would be a duo rather than the usual quintet typically found among rock bands.
“We figured a two-piece was easiest because only two guys have to know the chords,” said Kleiber. “We work so well together that we inspire and feed off of each other’s creativity.”

Static Sea is trying to build a wave of momentum.
Recalling the band’s early years, Francis rattled off the names of clubs where the group got its start. “We’ve played gigs throughout Northern New Jersey. And of course, we’ve played places in Jersey City. But really, there aren’t a lot of venues for music in Jersey City, or even in Hudson County. It makes it pretty difficult to play often enough that you build a regular audience that coming out to see you.”
The group has been booked to perform at the weekly Groove on Grove summer concert series at Grove Plaza, and they’ve also performed at Creative Grove, the artists’ market, also at Grove Plaza. And the band has also played a few shows in New York City. But the shows have been fewer and farther between than they would like.

Second Act

Now, they hope a new release and a new band – complete with a bigger sound – will give them the momentum they need to develop a regular following.
“In the past we’ve done smaller arrangements, said Francis. “It’s been somewhat of a challenge transferring those arrangements to a band atmosphere. But it’s been more fun collaborating with other musicians and bringing them into the Static Sea sound.”
Static Sea’s current incarnation, which formed this year, includes Kleiber and Francis on guitar and vocals, Chris Ribiero on bass, Beth Bird of keyboards, and Ben Miller on drums.
“We still continue to play and do everything to make it in the business,” said Francis.
These days, the musicians said the band is playing more shows than it has in the past. They hope new audiences will energize the band and create a following.
“It feels really good to be out there, playing, even if not all the audiences are huge,” Francis said.

E-mail E. Assata Wright at

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