Hudson Reporter Archive

No more private use for city vehicles

To the Editor:

I know the City of Bayonne does provide vehicles to be used during work hours. What I do not get is why the employees are allowed to take these cars home. Just last night, April 11, I was driving on Avenue E at 8:50 p.m. and noticed the brand-new vehicle that was purchased for the Zone Managers driving all over Broadway, Avenue E, and back up to Broadway.
Why are these employees allowed to joy-ride when the price of gas is through the roof right now? I don’t believe that anyone should have access to the city vehicles unless it is during work hours. Nobody should be allowed to take the city’s vehicles home either. At the end of the day, the city’s vehicles should be returned to the city, and the employee gets in his own car and goes home. No more of this nonsense where the Law Director takes his city car home. D.P.W. should not be bringing home the white trucks.
Why can’t they drive their own vehicles? The city pays their salaries, health benefits, and gives them a car to use all day long. That will be the City Council’s next excuse to raise our already high taxes.


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