Hudson Reporter Archive

Nick Sacco on Governor Christie: “Cancelling the ARC Tunnel was a horrible mistake”

NORTH BERGEN – North Bergen Mayor and State Sen. Nicholas Sacco has issued a statement criticising Gov. Christopher Christie’s decision to cancel the ARC tunnel project. The statement comes in light of a report issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office last month that maintains that the project may not have been as much of a financial burden on New Jersey taxpayers as the governor’s office had anticipated.
“Cancelling the ARC Tunnel was a horrible mistake when it happened and these new findings make that decision look even worse,” said Sacco in the statement. “Losing this project cost us thousands of jobs during the height of the recession and set our region’s transportation infrastructure back decades.”
“Instead of taking cars off the raods and investing in mass transit our state took a tremendous step backwards,” Sacco added
According to media reports, Christie denounced the report, saying, “The federal government was wrong before, and they are wrong again,” he said.
View the GAO report here.Stephen LaMarca

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