Hudson Reporter Archive

Bayonne is a special place

To the Editor:
Bayonne is a very special place, with very special people. One finds this out when something happens that brings out a neighborhood, from Trask Avenue and Second Street. To all those wonderful kind ladies who came out of their homes a few weeks ago and brought me paper towels, wet and dry, to stem the tide of blood running from my face after the accident involving my car and whoever slammed into me sideways, pushing me into a fire hydrant.
I don’t know anyone in this neighborhood, so I can’t thank you personally. But your caring and thoughtfulness will always be remembered!
It took 10 stitches by a very fine lady stitcher-upper in the E.R. of the hospital. I don’t know her name, but thanks for a great job. It healed just fine.
My thanks to the guys in the yellow wheels for their swift and keen observation that I needed to be in the hospital post haste! I’ll probably never know who you all were, but I thank you deeply. You pried open the right front door and removed my granddaughter, and from the rear my “special needs” son. If you never believed in God, start now! Neither one had a bruise on them!
I wound up in the Bayonne hospital for eight days, where I was treated professionally, kindly, and most pleasantly. I thank all the staff for their help and concern.


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