Hudson Reporter Archive

‘No’ to flouridation

Dear Editor:
At a time when other municipalities are doing away with water fluoridation, why is NJ enacting laws to force mandatory fluoridation, especially at the expense of taxpayers during these tough economic times? Fluoridation will RAISE TAXES and CUT beneficial government programs that serve children and the elderly. How can politicians support this bill saying it’s because they care about the health of poor children, while slashing food and medical programs to pay for it? This doesn’t sound like politicians caring about youth, but big corporations who are going to profit from it; namely the coal and fertilizer industries that produce hexofluorosilicic acid (a toxic by-product) and will no longer have to spend hefty sums to properly dispose of it. If politicians cared about our teeth, they wouldn’t be allowing toxic industrial waste grade fluoride into our water?
Medication is not for everyone and can be dangerous. Selenium, an essential mineral that prevents cancer, causes cancer in high doses. Similarly, Salt is necessary for cardiovascular health, but dangerous in high doses. Water fluoridation constitutes mass medication without consent: It violates the NJ Patient Rights Statute (30:4-24.2) that patients have the right “to be free from unnecessary or excessive medication”. Officials cannot control the amounts of fluoride people drink, so how can they push a bill to mass medicate the public without taking into consideration the real possibility of fluoride toxicity, which now affects 41 percent of US children? The issue is not just about drinking water, but also bathing, growing crops, and the fact that some people are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxic effects than others.
This is supposed to be a democracy? If people want fluoride, they can add it to their water, but why should everyone be forced to drink and bathe in it? Why do we sell toothpaste then? It’s like going to a restaurant and being told you have to eat your steak with a mountain of added salt, even if you have high blood pressure?
Ninety-seven percent of Europe has rejected fluoridation: Their rates of tooth decay are lower than ours. There is NO scientific proof that fluoridated water prevents cavities. The US EPA union has openly testified against fluoridation citing a long list of toxic effects from cancer, birth defects, ADD, and Alzheimer’s. The National Kidney Institute cites dangers to people with kidney problems. Children in poor communities, suffer especially hard. The ADA warns mothers not to use fluoridated tap water in formula, but if it’s in tap and bottled water, how can they avoid using it?
I live in a housing project, where you have many young babies and disabled people. I write because this would be detrimental to the health and well being of my neighbors as well as myself; I have kidney problems.
I urge politicians who live in this community to vote against this bill in the name of good public health policies, saving taxpayers money, and for your health and the love of your family and friends. Thank you.


Jessica Coco

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