Hudson Reporter Archive



In a story called “Bayonne welcomes first baby of year,” published on Jan. 11, the story made a mistake in the name of the father. The father’s name is Gabriel Poalucci.

Housing survey on Bayonne city Web site

In order to receive federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City of Bayonne is required to develop a fair housing plan. Obtaining the input of residents, especially those in the low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, is an important part of the planning process. One means of finding out about housing in Bayonne is a community survey that will be conducted on the municipal Web site, The survey takes about five minutes to complete. It will be available online in both English and Spanish for two weeks. For more information, call Rocky Crisonino, Department of Community Development, at (201) 858-6086.

Eliu Rivera hospitalized again

Freeholder Chairman Eliu Rivera was admitted to Jersey City Medical Center a few days after he was sworn in as the chairman of the freeholders for 2012 as a precaution. Officials said he had been running a fever and he already has a history of lung problems – which had brought him near death several times last year.
This forced him to miss the freeholders’ first regular meeting and caucus, and came at a time when the state has asked him to step down as a member of the board of a Jersey City charter school for failing to meet the deadline for a criminal background check. He has apparently made an appointment for the check, although he has been in and out of the hospital for months, possibly explaining his inability to meet the state mandated deadlines.

Cunningham to chair newly formed higher education panel

State Sen. Sandra Bolden Cunningham has been named as the first chairwoman of the new Senate Higher Education Committee, which will focus exclusively on issues of importance to the state’s colleges and universities; those matters had previously been considered by the broader Senate Education Committee.
Senator Cunningham previously served as a member of the NJ STARS Task force, which examined and provided recommendations concerning NJ STARS – a scholarship program offering financial assistance to New Jersey students in the top 15 percent of their high school class. In the last legislative session, Cunningham served on the Joint Committee on Public Schools.
Cunningham will also serve on the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee and the Senate Labor Committee.

Mainor named chair of Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee

Pledging to help struggling towns fight crime and make them safer for residents, Assemblyman Charles Mainor accepted his assignment to chair the state Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee.
Mainor, who represents all of Bayonne and half of Jersey City in the 31st District, was appointed chairman by Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver on Jan. 13.
The committee is responsible for reviewing legislation dealing with police, fire, and emergency management services, public safety regulations, criminalization of activities, and legal ramifications of crimes.
“I’m honored by the trust that Speaker Oliver and our Democratic leadership have placed in me to lead this very important committee,” Mainor said. “Many of our cities are struggling with rising violence fueled by drugs, gangs, and police cutbacks stemming from unwise state aid cuts by the Christie administration. Many of our police departments have seen their forces reduced at staggering levels.”
Mainor said homicides in New Jersey increased only slightly last year, but that is no reason to celebrate.

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