Hudson Reporter Archive

Public workers brave the elements while working outdoors

Dear Editor:
January 4, had temperatures in the mid-20’s. While dropping my kids off at day care I passed by the usual crossing guards without giving it any thought at first. Then as I glanced at the temperature gauge in the car, it dawned on me: These people sign up for this. They take these jobs knowing that on any given day the rain, wind, cold, snow or any combination will be present during that day’s work. Granted, one can say they don’t work 8 hour days or the fact they have summers off. But even with that upside, there aren’t many people that would be willing to take a job like this. I sure wouldn’t.
Then there are the sanitation workers who brave the elements for their full work shift and are part of the reason why our city streets aren’t a total wreck. Yet, people don’t realize the dangers they encounter in their job every day with the risk of broken glass and even needles.
So on this day, I dedicate this email to all the crossing guards who are critical to the safety of our children and sanitation workers who are critical to the cleanliness of our city. Thank you for braving the elements to address critical services for Jersey City.

Thank you,
John Hanussak

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