Hudson Reporter Archive

Goals and behaviors for a healthy life

To the Editor:
Health is defined as being alive with no major health problems. The two primary health goals are to delay death and avoid disease. Although these goals provide a minimum basis for health and are desirable first steps, they fall far short of being goals for reaching optimal fitness.
The death rate for humans is 100 percent. Death cannot be avoided, but, beyond inherited characteristics, it can be postponed. In general, you can practice a healthy lifestyle in a healthy and safe environment. Along with delaying death, the other minimum health goal is to be free from disease. We try to prevent known illnesses through awareness, health checks, and health habits.
You probably have attended health fairs that help you identify signs, symptoms, and test scores that might indicate medical problems. Positive activities and habits relate to total fitness and low risk of developing major health problems. These behaviors include exercising regularly, maintaining healthy nutrition, getting adequate sleep, relaxing and coping with stressors, practicing safety habits, and abstaining from using tobacco, excess alcohol and nonessential drugs. So the point is that physical activity influences quality of life because it increases energy and promotes physical, mental, and psychological well being in addition to benefiting physical health.


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