Hudson Reporter Archive

It is time politicians put their money where their mouths are

Dear Editor:
Once again Governor Chris Christie came to Hudson County to hold a town hall meeting. The meeting quickly turned into “let’s blame public employees for everything wrong with New Jersey.”
And once again Mayor/Senator Brian Stack led the charge against public employees. He agreed to co-sponsor a bill to take away accumulated sick and vacation days which public employees have accumulated over their careers. While Christie vowed to destroy unions and collective bargaining, Brian Stack (to quote Tom Moran of the Star Ledger) “was gushing like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert.” Yes, I agree that changes need to be made to the current system to keep it solvent and to reduce the burden on taxpayers. However, rather than just focusing on public employees, it is time politicians put their money where their mouths are.
If Christie/Stack want real reform, then I suggest Stack co-sponsor and Christie sign the following legislation: 1) an immediate ban on cops, firemen, teachers, and government employees from contributing to political campaigns. 2) Legislation not only outlawing dual office holding, but dual position holding; one person, one position, no exceptions. It is time for the Union City Board of Commissioners to find real jobs. 3) Elimination of part time politicians like Brian Stack receiving Cadillac heath care benefits. 4) Legislation prohibiting politicians from placing their friends and family members on the government payroll in the districts they serve. 5) An immediate end to the practice of elected senators and assembly persons who also practice law from receiving any government work or contracts. For example, Union City’s current labor counsel just happens to be State Senator Kevin O’Toole, a Stack ally in the senate and a Christie confidant. 6) Legislation requiring full disclose on all income and expenses of all not for profit organizations run by politicians.
Brian Stack is quick to please the governor by declaring he will co-sponsor a bill to eliminate public workers from selling back sick and vacation days upon retirement. I would ask, other than raising taxes, what has Stack done in the 10 years he has been the mayor of Union City to curb the waste, abuse, inefficiency, and political patronage which is pervasive within Union City?

Joe Blaettler

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