Hudson Reporter Archive

‘A better place because of you!’

To the Editor:
I want to personally thank Dogtopia’s owners Elise and Donna for always coming to the aid of those in need. Whether it be collecting food for the poor, holding fundraisers for our police K-9 unit, housing and actively searching for homes for orphaned dogs, or collecting supplies for animals in need, they are always there. They take their vision of giving back to a whole new level.
Just recently, I went to them with an idea and asked them to sell dog bones for Windmill Alliance, and they enthusiastically agreed without any compensation! They do things for others willingly and are such an inspiration. So, besides giving this community a service that is invaluable to so many, they give back time and time again. Thank you Elise and Donna! This community is a better place because of you! May the good fortune you bestow come back to you a hundredfold!
By the way, Dogtopia is a great place to take your dog to socialize and play. They come back happy and tired! They also board dogs and so much more!

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