Hudson Reporter Archive

‘If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be so safe’

One letter to the troops from a young Secaucus student is decorated with happy faces and hearts. It reads: “I wanted to take this time to thank you for protecting me and everyone. Even though you don’t know me I hope you come home safe to your family! And Thank You for everything! If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be safe so thank you for your time and effort. Sincerely, Charlee.”
Children throughout Secaucus recently wrote 1,000 holiday messages of hope for soldiers serving overseas as part of an effort led by Councilman William McKeever, who serves as the head of the Veterans Task Force. During the Dec. 13 council meeting, McKeever thanked fellow task force members and residents for their support in helping make the project a success.

“I hope you come home safe to your family!” – Charlee
“I want to thank the members of the Veterans Task Force and everyone who helped send out Holiday greetings to the troops,” said McKeever. “We shipped about 1,000 cards, hand-colored pictures and notes and more than 100 individual hygiene packets to an organization called ‘Operation Care Package’ in Joliet, Illinois which will in turn distribute them to military bases in all parts of the world.”

Heartwarming messages

McKeever mobilized the effort to form a committee to get messages out to the troops during the holidays. The committee formed last month and moved quickly to gather messages of support for the troops. Children from all of the schools in town from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade participated in the effort.
“I am a veteran and I belong to the VFW and the American Legion and I feel strongly about this,” said McKeever after the council meeting. He served a tour in Vietnam in the Army from 1966 through 1968.
He said he joked with the younger members of the task force in regard to the difference technology makes in getting messages. “Some of the young fellas here had me laughing,” he said. “We used to get a sack of mail. With the times – you [now] get e-mails, text messages.”
“It is very heartwarming to receive, especially this time of the year,” said resident and veteran Joseph Bienkowski after the council meeting. “The guys and women I’m sure appreciate it very much.”
Bienkowski served in the Army from July 1959 to July 1962 and he completed a 13-month tour in Korea. He has lived in Secaucus since 1955. His son Michael served with the 101st Airborne in Desert Storm in 1991 for seven months until the end of the conflict. The elder Bienkowski said it made a difference to his son to receive letters and care packages.

Future task force plans

Operation Care Package received the letters and care packages last week and will distribute them to soldiers who want to receive greetings.
We are going to [send messages] twice a year…to the troops for anyone that has served,” said McKeever. He said that the task force will send messages again during Memorial Day.
The Veterans Task Force also hopes to create a database of residents, their relatives, and anyone who could use assistance.
“I reached out to the veterans organizations and members of the community to ask for their help in locating service men and women from Secaucus who are on active duty,” said McKeever.
He mentioned three police officers on active duty during the council meeting, including: Master Sergeant Sikaffy, of the 108th Wing of Air National Guard is currently overseas; Sgt. Major Rhiel of the Air Wing out of Newburgh, N.Y., who is currently on duty in Secaucus; and Chief Petty Officer Carpenter, a naval reservist who was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and is also on duty in Secaucus. McKeever said Private First Class AJ Gamboa left for Camp Lejeune last week to begin Marine Combat Training.

A collective effort

Special thanks were paid to the following: VFW No. 3776 for donating the shipping costs; Jen May, library director; resident Donna Przychodzki of Century 21; resident Mickey Halpin, who is a teacher at Immaculate Conception CCD; Cathy Wolf from Wrap 4 A Smile Foundation for contributing 100 hygiene kits; Rob Daniello, middle school principal for giving the children the art supplies to create the cards, drawings, and packets; and task force members Paulette Halpin, Regina Bator, and Marilyn DePice.
“As a veteran myself and commander of VFW No. 3776 I would like to thank everyone for doing this for our troops,” said resident Tom Brereton. “Anything you are doing in the future we are in on it. If anybody knows anyone who needs help from the VA in town, don’t hesitate to call on us over at the VFW.”
Adriana Rambay Fernández may be reached at

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