Hudson Reporter Archive


Secaucus PBA Local 84 collecting items for local families in need

Secaucus Police Benevolent Association Local 84 is conducting its annual drive to collect new toys, clothing, toiletries, blankets and other items for distribution to local families in need. A collection box for the donated items is located in the lobby of the Secaucus Public Library and Business Resource Center at 1379 Paterson Plank Road. Donations can be made through Tuesday, Dec. 20. For more information, contact: (201) 330-2083.

Holiday gift ideas at the Secaucus Public Library

Library Director Jenifer May has suggestions for holiday gift-giving that are available right in the Secaucus Public Library. Individuals can purchase a book in a loved one’s name and include a membership in the Friends of the Secaucus Public Library. Books purchased by the library in individuals’ names are living tributes. A bookplate is inserted inside the front cover so each patron that checks out that book will see it was donated in someone’s name. When purchasing books, you can specify the genre and whether you want it to be a children’s book or an adult’s mystery novel. The choices are many and they are yours to make.
Individual membership is $10 or $5 for senior citizens or students, $20 for families, or $150 for a Lifetime Membership. For more information, contact May at: (201) 330-2083 or

Library presents dramatic readings of ‘Love & Other Holiday Foolishness’ on Dec. 18

Veteran actress Michele LaRue will perform two short story dramatic readings at the Secaucus Public Library and Business Resource Center on Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. In a presentation titled “Love and Other Holiday Foolishness,” LaRue will offer dramatic readings of two holiday stories dating from the turn of the century. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact: (201) 330-2083.

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