Hudson Reporter Archive

Truly unexpected and extremely appreciated

Dear Editor:
On Sunday, September 25, a wonderful celebration was held at the Hudson County Culinary Arts Center to commemorate 40 years of exceptional work by The Attic Ensemble, Jersey City’s Theatre Company. The event was a chance for the Attic to look back at all that they have done to become Jersey City’s longest producing theatre company. It was also an opportunity to recognize some very special people who have helped them reach this milestone. Unbeknownst to me, I was presented a “surprise” award. Unlike the other awardees I was not at all prepared to speak. If it had time to prepare, this is what I would have said:
In everyone’s life there are defining moments – decisions made in that one moment of time that change forever our course, put us on paths never expected, and help to make us different people. For me, walking into the Attic Ensemble at St. Stephen’s Church was one of those moments. I was amazed at the incredible talent and dedication in this tiny little theatre on Union Street. Who would have thought that this was happening here for, as we used to say, “less than the price of a movie ticket.” I was enthralled and despite my very limited experience, decided to volunteer. My plan was that I would be happy just to be able to work in the background and watch these incredibly talented people. And, for a couple of years, that’s what I did. I learned how to build sets, and hang lights, and gather costumes and props. I would stage manage, sell tickets, and clean toilets. Then one day, someone said, “You should audition for the next show.” A few years later and a few more roles, and someone said, “I think you should direct.” And before I knew it, I had been with the Attic Ensemble for 25 years!
During that time, I received the most incredible theatre education. I had the opportunity to work with some of the most talented and generous actors, directors and designers, each of them teaching me something new. I made friends that I consider to be my family. They share every aspect of my life and have been there to support me in joyous times, as well as, times of true heartbreak. I can’t imagine my life without them.
And best of all, I met the man who would become my husband, who has given me a life and love beyond measure. Unfortunately, the past few years have taken me on a path away from the Attic. Soccer games and school events have replaced Saturday morning crew calls but always I think of the Attic as my home and I hope to be back more often in the coming years.
So, thank you to the current Board of Directors for honoring me with this award. I thank you for honoring the work we did in the past by continuing the tradition of quality, affordable theatre. Here’s to the next 40 years and thank you for remembering me this way. It was truly unexpected and extremely appreciated.

Wanda Maragni

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