Hudson Reporter Archive

Stack’s work is visible

Dear Editor:
This letter is in support of NJ Senator Brian Stack re-election effort. Stack’s work is visible, just look around Union City and the 33rd district and you can see that he really fights for the people. New parks and schools, a strong police presence, clean streets, evidence that there is a leader working for the residents, and the result is a community working together. I will also like to congratulate Stack for his stand against leftist extremist Rafael Correa’s attempt to use one of our public schools to promulgate his anti-American rant, using as a front a seemingly harmless “Night of Culture” theme. A typical Communist tactic. For all his work, his 16 hour days, his incredible commitment to the residents of the 33rd district, and most importantly the positive results his hard work we should support Brian Stack for another term in the legislature.

Rafael Martel

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