Hudson Reporter Archive

Dan Levin for City Council

Dear Editor:
For those who are yearning to positively change Jersey City and make it a progressive city that it has the potential to be, deeming the upcoming November 8th Special Election important is a sure understatement. Please consider supporting Daniel Levin, candidate for Councilman-at-Large, a stalwart activist for reform in Jersey City and a true advocate for making good government work for the people.
I’ve known Dan since moving back to Jersey City in the 1990s and it was through volunteering in various community-based activities that I got to know him well. As a family man, a father of two children who attend their district public school, his sincere commitment and dedication to this city is unquestionable.
Dan is a true reformer in Jersey City and he can back up my claim with solid reform measures, specifically the Pay-to-Play reform championed by Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop with whom he closely worked to get the legislation passed. He was a key player in establishing numerous non-profit advocacy organizations (JC Landmarks Conservancy, Bike JC, Civic JC), is active in his neighborhood association for which he also served multiple terms on the board (Harsimus Cove Neighborhood Association), and he remains supportive to many other community-based groups throughout the city. His management experiences in the banking industry and as a business owner inform his decision-making, but most importantly, he is one of the most ethically-grounded persons one could ever meet and if there is one thing we need in our city’s leadership, it is this principled influence.
Positive change is an ongoing uphill battle and although there can be no panacea to attain this, getting Dan in the local government – in an official capacity – will be a step toward the right direction.
We can all do something to progressively steer the course of our city – please support Daniel Levin in this election, spread the word to make sure that the good guy gets voted in.


Lycel P. Villanueva

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