Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for making the Second Annual Career Academy event a success

Dear Editor:
An exemplary demonstration of the unity between our community and Hoboken High School took place on September 28, at the Second Annual Career Academy event held at the Hoboken Business Center. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Mr. Greg Dell Aquila and the tireless efforts of his staff, the Small Business for Education Foundation generously facilitated a uniquely enriching experience for 60 students in grades 10 through 12 of Hoboken High School. The office complex owned by JDA houses a wide array of businesses in its modern and elegant facility. The tenants listed below were gracious enough to cease business for the day to host the students and allow them to explore careers in the place on location. Students were welcomed warmly in each office and provided with information and hands-on activities. This was a way for students to bridge the gap from completing a high school education and deciding on a career path. Those who participated will have more information on which to base their college selection, and sustain dedication to their high school education. A student in a digital photography class, for example, was able to learn how those skills can be directly applied to a career in marketing.
Mr. Gary Teurack, president of The National Society of Leadership and Success gave a moving and interactive opening talk which helped the students visualize their goal for the day. He shared his own experience of overcoming a learning problem and achieving educational, financial and personal success by using his gullibility and determination. Students were challenged by Gary to consider doing what they love to do as opposed to being driven by money.
The Student Center facilitated the trip for Hoboken High School as part of their mission to help students complete their high school education. The Student Center is the School-Based Youth Service Program which is funded by a grant from the NJ State Division of Children and Families. Student Center services, also include counseling, preventive education, learning support, and healthy youth development programs. In the spring, the Student Center will coordinate with board Member Theresa Minutillo to host Junior Prep Day at Hoboken High School gymnasium. I welcome community members to share their career experience at the various events for high school students.
We are grateful to My Way Productions and US Navy who visited HBC for the occasion, and to Academy Bus for donating their transportation services. We are indebted to the following Hoboken Business Center establishments located at 50 Harrison Street, Hoboken: Adventures in Learning Day Care, AIA Engineers, Ltd., BAKERY- Adam Saynuk, Candel Mentors, Cashletes, Chronakis Siachos, LLC, CitiStructure, Digital Kiosk, EB & Associates, Fitz Media, Garden State Realty, Genesis Biopharma, GTA Group, Hoboken Digest, JDA Group, LLC, Knecht Properties, LG Property Management, Mission 50, Montoro & Associate, Hoboken Chiropractic + Wellness, Noelle Tate: Actors & Directors, Paul Evangelista Esq., SPHERE Technologies, and Visiting Angels.

Cecilia Sanchez D’Elia, Psy. D.
SBYSProgram Director

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