Hudson Reporter Archive

‘It’s time for a change’

To the Editor:
I recently met the two New Jersey Assembly candidates that are running against the current incumbents of Jason O’Donnell and Harold Mainor in the 31st District. They are Michael Alonso and Daniel Beckelman. These are two new, young fresh faces on the scene here that work in the private sector with some good ideas on how to get Bayonne back on track. They know that we could be doing better in terms of getting employers – whether it be established ones or people that just started a new business – here to Bayonne to provide badly needed jobs. Both have stated that we need to get technical classes or as some people remember shop classes back into the high schools to teach the youth how to use their hands and get skills to fill good paying, blue collar jobs out there because not everyone will go to college.
They will talk to local businesses to see what jobs are being unfilled and see if there is some sort of training for people so they can land that job. There are many skilled positions in America that go unfilled because employers can’t find people with the skills to do them.
Why should anyone vote for the current two in office? What have either done for Bayonne lately? As stated in last week’s “Bayonne Community News,” next year maybe Mayor Mark Smith might go for the Hudson County Executive position, and then Jason O’Donnell could become mayor and leave the assembly seat to one of their cronies. How many jobs can O’Donnell have? Do we really want this nonsense happening? They are playing the voters for fools.
It’s time for a change. This election day, send a message to the corrupt Hudson County Democratic Organization that we are tired of their nonsense and give the boot to Jason O’Donnell and Harold Mainor. Vote Mike Alonso (2B) and Dan Beckelman (3B).
John Budnik

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