Hudson Reporter Archive


9/11 widower found dead in Hoboken apartment

HOBOKEN – The Hoboken Police Department discovered the dead body of a 50-year-old man in his apartment on the 500 block of First Street on Saturday, according to the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office.
The deceased man was identified by authorities as Edward Kearns.
Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said there was some “decomposition” of the body, indicating that it had been there for a long period of time. DeFazio said Hoboken police gained entrance to the apartment using a key provided by the management company of the building, but did not say who called police.
DeFazio added that no signs of foul play were discovered, and there was no evidence of any trauma. He also said that nothing of value was taken from the apartment.
Autopsy information was not available on Monday afternoon.
An internet search indicates that the man’s wife died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Both lived in Hoboken at the time.
Friends commenting on this story at said they had tried to reach Kearns for weeks but could not.

Bayonne official says: MVC employee’s death from MRSA probably wasn’t from client contact

BAYONNE An employee from the Bayonne office of the Motor Vehicle Commission died last week from a contagious disease that fellow workers reportedly claimed she caught from a client.
But Bayonne health officials said the disease could not have been contracted at the MVC office, and poses less of a risk than feared.
“Our health officer was there today,” said Bayonne Business Administrator Steve Gallo. “The disease was not likely spread at the office.”
Diagnosed last Tuesday Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Florel Galea, 28, of Elizabeth, was admitted to an Elizabeth hospital where she died of an effect that was resistant to certain antibiotics.
Gallo said local officials were told that the infection required more than the kind of casual contact someone would have had at the MVC office.
“We’ve been told that it is not the kind of infection that can be found on the surface of an object,” Gallo said.

Local artist Loughlin dies crossing Tonnelle Avenue

North Bergen artist Robert Loughlin was killed after being hit by a car Tuesday night at 11:16 p.m., police said. Police said they believe he was crossing the road to return home to the Manhattan Trailer Court at 42-28 Tonnelle Ave. He died at the scene, according to Lt. Frank Mena of the North Bergen Police.
Robert Loughlin was an artist known for his painting of a square-jawed man, “The Brute,” copies of which often appeared around the streets of New York City. He also sold vintage merchandise to renowned artists such as Andy Warhol.

Historical Society will present ‘The History of St. Michael’s Monastery’

The Hudson County Genealogical and Historical Society will present “The History of St. Michael’s Monastery” on Saturday, Oct. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Hudson Korean Presbyterian Church (formerly St. Michael’s) at 2019 West St., Union City. Built between 1869 and 1875, St. Michael’s is listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
For more information, visit

VITAS Innovative Hospice Care seeks volunteers

Vitas Innovative Hospice Care of New Jersey North is looking for volunteers in Hudson County. Volunteers will visit patients in nursing homes, assisted living communities, and residences in order to provide support. Tasks include taking care of household chores and spending time with the patients,
Volunteers will be trained in listening skills and family dynamics. They will also learn the appropriate way to communicate with terminally ill patients and their families.
To register for a free volunteer orientation class or for more information, contact Barbara Adams-Plyer at (973) 422-5343 or e-mail

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