Hudson Reporter Archive

Support the AT&T merger

To the Editor:
I am writing in support of the AT&T merger with T-Mobile. AT&T is likely to add to its already robust capacity and infrastructure as it extends its 4G LTE network to cover rural counties across the country. In the past month, it was announced that AT&T has expanded its broadband wireless capacities in Essex and Bergen counties and at Rutgers University alone. At this moment in time in New Jersey and throughout the country, shouldn’t we be supporting the investment businesses are making to our telecommunication infrastructure? The wireless industry is driving innovation and the economy. New companies are sprouting up to create new applications, hardware and software to feed the ever-growing hunger for smartphones, tablets and other wireless technologies.
This technology is the basis on which business is conducted every day, at home and throughout the world. Hudson County is the perfect place for such innovation. This merger will only mean good things for small businesses and entrepreneurs in the 31st District. Allowing such small businesses and companies to extend their reach and compete in markets outside their geography will only foster the economic growth we are working towards. I believe now is the time to encourage the investment in our capacity to conduct business and create jobs on a global scale. I believe now is the time to allow businesses to create the jobs our county needs.
The evidence is pretty clear that this particular partnership has the potential to yield great benefits throughout the county and state.

Candidate for Assembly, 31st District

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