Hudson Reporter Archive

Meadowlands Hospital issues plan to address violations found by state

SECAUCUS — Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center in Secaucus has issued a correction action plan to address health violations found during a state inspection conducted in July according to
The plan includes requiring staff to undergo regular hand-washing audits, referring pediatric patients to an outside physician, and regularly reviewing equipment cleanliness.
The state released a 25-page state report in August outlining alleged deficiencies in the facility, which was sold to a private for-profit company last year. The state investigated the hospital after ongoing union complaints. The 25-page state report claimed doctors at the hospital failed to get informed consent from patients for same-day surgery procedures including anesthesia; that certain equipment was not properly sterilized; that sterilized materials were not monitored and stored in a manner that ensure sterility, and that there were other procedural and policy-related deficiencies.

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