Hudson Reporter Archive

Early Childhood team worked well on the first day of school

Dear Editor:
I’m writing to acknowledge Pat Bryant, associate superintendent of the Early Childhood Department, and her Early Childhood team on a great, smooth start on our first day of school.
At Conwell Primary School No. 3, the Early Childhood team was present and visible, working hand-in-hand with Principal Vega and her front office staff to ensure each pre-K issue was quickly and immediately resolved. All of the parents who came in with an issue were assisted and out the door before 11 a.m.
This is my 3rd year at Conwell 3, and it is by far the smoothest year I’ve seen thus far. I’ve heard the same from my Parent Leader colleagues at other schools.
On behalf of the Conwell parent body, thanks for being on-the-ground and ready for our first day of school.


Felicia Palmer
President, P.S. 3 PTA

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