Hudson Reporter Archive

American born, who do I turn to

Dear Editor:
I am a resident of the Veterans Housing Complex in Union City, N.J. I have had a garden in front of my apartment for 35 years. In the garden there is a statue of the Blessed Mother and an angel. Recently I discovered that the thumb on the Blessed Mother was broken off, and on the angel, one the wings was broken off, also. As I examined the garden, I found saw dust around the angel’s area. Close by I have an outdoor table and two chairs and I found some sort of black oil or substance on both the table and chairs.
I am a Catholic and American born, and my family fought for this country. The neighbors who live here are good people, but there will always be one rotten apple in the basket.
I believe in the old American way, God, family, and country.
All nationalities have an organization to go to when they need help, except the American born. Who protects my rights as a four generation American born? Maybe someone can tell me.

Thank you for your attention
Dorothy Jetter

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