Hudson Reporter Archive

The meaning of eminent domain

Dear Editor:
The meaning of “Eminent Domain” in simple layman’s terms is the government’s right and ability to seize and confiscate any “privately owned property” at a fair market price, for public use.
We were recently informed, as public information that the City of Jersey City plans to use its powers of “Eminent Domain” to redevelop the McGinley Square area. This plan was not only a surprise to most residents, but it was also a devastating, insensitive, slap in the face, reality check to all those who received letters that their homes were targeted for this legalized thievery.
Now we must ask ourselves this question, “Who will actually benefit from this vicious confiscation of all these personal properties indicated?
Fortunately, we have been very well educated by our municipal leaders. These learning experiences included an enormous lack of trust administered and warranted by their past and present deceitful ways, of manipulating policies for their own self serving agendas. These schemes always had alterative motives to all their actions, with the same expensive results. They usually increase our monetary obligations in providing useless, needless appointments or exorbitant contracts and perks offered to all their loyal supporters, friends and political hacks.
Corruption has shown its ugly head too many times within this Administration for us to be so complacent as to sit on our hands, especially with the stakes so high, as to witness our friends and neighbors being forcibly evicted from their homes.
Let’s look at the cold hard facts presented in their plan?
Does building a brand new theater and bowling alleys justify (50) homes being destroyed? Is the destruction of certain existing businesses in this area, totally necessary, to make room for the construction of new retail stores and restaurants? Will these dispossessed owners be offered first choice in reestablishing a new business in the area or is it only for the benefit of a selected few?
Are these improvements worth (50) homes being smashed, shattered and ruined, not to mention multiple families and their lives vehemently altered, and displaced, while they are being forced to relocate, for the benefit of a selected few? What happens to the children who must abandon their friendships, and are mandated to change schools, even if they are excelling in their present educational environment, for the benefit of a selected few?
Now we must ask ourselves these important questions? If this proposed plan to revitalize McGinley Square is successful, will it actually improve the quality of life of each and every resident in Jersey City? Will it reduce taxes or will these new so-called improvements, be offered tax abatements? If they are abated, the City will lose tax revenue from (50) homes and businesses? Take one guess on who will be responsible to compensate for these losses?
Eminent Domain is a barbaric ritual. If left unrestrained in the hands of the unscrupulously dubious, greedy demigod, it can inflict many hardships to the innocent. This has all the indications of benefiting a selected few.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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