Hudson Reporter Archive

Chief Falco commends his officers, and July 4 visitors

Dear Editor:
On July 4th, 2011, Hoboken was one of several communities that became a viewing destination for the 35th annual “Macy’s Fireworks Display.” The large number of spectators presented the men and women of the Hoboken Police Department with several challenges, including crowd and traffic control as well as overall security.
Once again, the members of the police department rose to the occasion and ensured that this event was a safe and enjoyable one for all. I want to commend all personnel from this department, uniformed and civilian, for a job well done. The level of dedication, preparation and professionalism was evident. The spirit of cooperation throughout the ranks was instrumental towards the overall success of this event.
I also want to acknowledge the “multi-task” functions that were carried out by all line and front line supervisory personnel. The drive and stamina needed to carry out these functions are greatly appreciated.
I would be remiss if I did not also acknowledge the thousands of spectators who gathered along the waterfront. The large crowds were orderly and eager to assist the police department in our efforts. I want to extend my sincere thanks for the cooperation exhibited by the all.

Chief Anthony P. Falco, Sr.
Hoboken Police Department

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