Hudson Reporter Archive

Does WWOR employ enough people in NJ?

SECAUCUS AND BEYOND — Secaucus-based WWOR-TV, owned by Fox Television Stations, is coming under renewed scrutiny by Voice for New Jersey (VNJ), which filed a claim with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently charging that the station has misrepresented its coverage of NJ and falsely reported its number of employees. VNJ has complained for some time that WOR didn’t provide enough NJ news coverage, but now it also claims that the station only employs 69 people in New Jersey while Fox claimed it employs 173 as of an FCC filing in April. VNJ also claims that Fox misrepresented other aspects of the station’s operations and wrongly withheld documents requested by the FCC.
The station’s license is up for renewal and under evaluation by the FCC, a process which has been ongoing since 2007. At the time, VNJ first petitioned to deny the license. The FCC will address the licensing issue over the coming months.

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