Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you, Mayor and Council for School board budget

Dear Editor:
Malcolm Forbes said Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. I would to thank the mayor and council for doing so with our superintendent and some board members. The mayor and council put in endless hours to ensure our children a quality education.
The school budget failed due to lack of communication the superintendent and the board has with the community, the recent summer project assignment, well proves this point. Other reasons are:
after three years of working in the Secaucus school system, the superintendent has yet to ascertain the climate and culture of the Secaucus community, we are a small community with a big heart. Also some board members should spend their time doing what they were elected to do, work that pertains to our children’s’ education, not spend their time writing about fairytales in the news paper. Perhaps if more time were spent on the budget and less time trying to be a politician we would have had a better budget.
The community spoke very loud at this last board election. I hope the board and superintendent were listening; it is obvious that the mayor and council heard us loud and clear, however it remains to be seen this year how well our board and superintendent were listening. If the last board meeting was any indication, than I would have to say some of them need hearing aides.
I would like to extend my gratitude for the countless hours the Mayor, Councilman Beuckner, Councilman Costantino, David Drummler, Peggy Barcola, and many others spent to ensure the quality of education for our children.
Our children are our future and their education is a basic human right, our children are entitled to the best education possible. Thanks to the mayor and council they will receive the education they are entitled to without any more burden to the tax payer.
However I must emphasize this: you guys did such a great job with this budget this year; you might get it back next year.

Thank you,
Pat Belenski

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