Hudson Reporter Archive

“Winds of change”

Dear Editor:
There’s a smell of change entering the political air of Jersey City, and the distinct odor isn’t coming from one of our infamous toxic dumps or unmonitored habitual offenders. This refreshing event happened at the recent Jersey City’s Democratic re-organizational meeting. The main purpose for this scheduled yearly gathering is to elect a City Chairman and other required positions. This is usually a kangaroo vote honoring the wishes and demands of the sitting Mayor.
This year provided a much welcomed, elated revolution, initiated by a reputable political coup formed, that successfully defeated Joe Conte, the Mayor’s choice, in favor of Freeholder Jeff Dublin. Mr. Dublin was backed by this new and hopefully improved Democratic leadership, led by Downtown Councilman Steve Fulop and some key Jersey City figures, disenchanted with the Healy Administration.
The handwriting should have been on the wall for the Mayor in the last Democratic Primary election, which resulted in the loss for his wife’s potential bid for a Committee seat in their district. This coupled with a few pertinent Committee losses that were endorsed by some of his prominent high level associates within his Administration.
The Ward E Councilman had created a tremendous upset of these essential seats, becoming victorious over most Committee candidates backed and supported by Healy in his area. This solid voting block enhanced the removal of the Mayor’s personal hand picked choices at the re-organizational meeting, which not only left questions to his leadership and acceptability within his own rank and file but also with the citizens of Jersey City.
This great news created by a fed-up electorate is only in its initial stages of removing the albatross around our necks and liberating us from the clutches of the self centered, self serving Healy Administration. The horrendous atmosphere surrounding our quality of life, contributed by high crime, violence, deterioration, heavy tax burdens and now the proposed property re-evaluation and assessment only increases the drama and stress to an already strained and drained citizenry.
Did the people of Jersey City ultimately comprehend their tremendous power of the vote? Did they finally realize that the status quo isn’t etched in stone, and they have the tools to chip away all deformities and blemishes? Did they evaluate their present situation and discovered that their municipal form of unscrupulous guidance, doesn’t meet with their expectations and standards, realizing that they can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear?
Let’s hope and pray these “winds of change” which produced this tidal wave will continue to blow into the next Mayoral election of May 2013, selecting a new Mayor, while increasing voter turnout with positive responses and results. We must not only utilized this new discovery to defeat any regressive leadership, giving the government back to the people but also ending the disgraceful dictatorship, brought to power, by our own volition called “voter apathy”. This time, no complaints, no excuses, just “Vote”, and let your voice be heard.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City. N.J.

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