Hudson Reporter Archive

Volunteers needed for Hoboken’s shade trees

Dear Editor:
Hoboken is growing! And not just the number of residents.
The Hoboken Shade Tree Commission, thanks to the generosity of The Taco Truck, The City of Hoboken, and in conjunction with the Quality of Life Coalition’s Committee for a Green Hoboken and The New Jersey Tree Foundation, recently planted over 100 trees throughout Hoboken. Another 100 trees are scheduled to be planted in the fall.
As part of this process, the Commission is looking for volunteers to “adopt” one (or more, if possible) of these new trees. “Treekeepers” will be responsible to care for their adopted tree through spring, 2012. Primary responsibilities are: 1) water the tree (20 gallons/week from now through October), and 2) advise the Commission if a tree takes a turn for the worse. (Some of the red oak trees that were planted are in “shock” and may appear to be dead. However, with proper care, they should be okay next spring when new leaves will appear.)
So if you are interested, please contact one of the Commissioners and/or James Tricarico, the Commission Secretary ( you can also view the Commission web site at:
Working together, we can continue to improve the environment in Hoboken.


The Hoboken Shade Tree Commission
David Calamoneri, Chairman
Bo Dziman
Steve Fahmie
Larry Henriques
Marie Luizzi
Fred Moret
James Tricarico, Secretary

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