Hudson Reporter Archive

Take the time to honor

Dear Editor:
The Hoboken Memorial Day Parade on May 25 was a wonderful tribute to all the men and women who gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today.
I want to personally thank all those that marched and the wonderful crowd that cheered us on, as we marched up Washington Street. It was perhaps one of the best Memorial Day Parades in recent years.
In particular, I want thank the small group from the Hoboken Police Dept. that marched to honor our fallen hero’s. I’ve heard that the reason for the low attendance by the Police Dept. was their unhappiness with the current administration. If that is true, I’d just like to remind them that this administration did not lay off one police officer, unlike many other cities that did! Therefore, if that was their reason for not marching, they should be ashamed of themselves for not taking the time to honor the brave men and women that put their lives on the line for the freedoms that we have.

Roy Huelbig
WWII Purple Heart Veteran

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