Hudson Reporter Archive

Saving the trees

Dear Editor:
I write to express appreciation for the work of Washington Park Association. I applaud their stance in wanting to protect and save the mature hardwood trees in Union City’s county park. Some of the park’s Sycamore trees date from about 1932 including a large one in WP’s Soccer Field next to a school marker. The section of park near the dog run has columns of American Elm which have survived the ravages of Dutch Elm Disease, a rarity. I know of talk about planting new trees to replace those removed during a major park revamping in future but new trees are not mature trees which have taken decades to grow. I would urge the Washington Park Association to press the urgency of finding alternative land for an athletic project rather than chain-saw our old stand of sycamore trees which constitute precious green space already lost to playgrounds, baseball and basketball and tennis courts. Where is the green in Green Acres?

Tony Squire

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