Hudson Reporter Archive

MIA Tom vs dedicated Katia

Dear Editor:
Enough is enough. Local newspaper writer Tom Regan is off the charts. Mr. Regan has been writing negative letters for the last thirty five years. Recently in this newspaper (May 15, 2011) Tom state it that Mrs. Katia Stack should give back money for a vehicle and gas she improperly used. Where has Tom Regan been all his entire life. Tom claims that he works for the federal government but when it comes to give back to the community Tom has always been missing in action. Meanwhile Katia has dedicated thousands of hours of volunteer worker at the Brian P. Stack Civic Association. The fact of the matter is Tom has never been seeing in a Board of Education monthly meeting nor he has volunteer to help fire victims or help during snow removal. In the mean time Katia has helped thousands of residents that needed help with their income tax papers; their citizenship applications and all her help has been done for no charge. Residents like Katia Stack come once every hundred years. Clearly Katia has always been an asset to our Community. This city is where it is financially sound because people like Katia have constantly made unconditional contributions in order for this city to go forward in difficult financial, social hard times.

With Respect,
Mirtha Serret

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