Hudson Reporter Archive

Toback made a terrible mistake

Dear Editor:
I write this letter in response to the May 15th Letters to the Editor sent by both Ruben Ramos and Perry Lin. While it is possible that Ramos’ letter may be politically motivated, I do believe he happens to be 100 percent correct, as is Lin in his analysis. As a parent of two sons who recently graduated from Hoboken High School and as a teacher with 27 years experience in NYC public high schools, I think I might have a few insights regarding the termination of teachers Paula Ohaus and Cheng-Yen Hillenbrand. Both of my sons were I.B. (International Baccalaureate) students who ranked in the top 5 of their respective graduating classes. They were also part of the theater program. Neither son was a star performer, but each of them had important acting roles in the productions. Their involvement enriched their high school experience in a way that cannot be measured by cumulative average or standardized test scores. It helped pave the way for them to become successful college students. The Hoboken public school system has many fine teachers, and some inspiring ones. Paula Ohaus is definitely one of the inspiring ones. Her demanding, yet nurturing nature has helped my children gain confidence that has served them well in college (Rutgers). I also believe that a significant part of the situation regarding the aforementioned teachers has to do with management. Hoboken schools have had four superintendents in the past five years, as well as numerous lesser, but no less important administrators such as principals and assistant principals. Even the most seasoned educator might have some difficulty navigating their way through a school district in a constant state of flux; what might be standard operating procedure under one administration, might be frowned upon by another. I would imagine that a new superintendent who happens to be an experienced educator would be aware of the particular dynamic of the Hoboken school system, and approach personnel matters with due diligence, patience and thoughtfulness. Apparently, Dr. Toback, after being on the job for a few scant weeks, did not take these considerations while making his decision to not renew the contracts of Ms. Ohaus and Ms. Hillenbrand. I do not know what outside forces may have influenced his decision, but if he was assessing these two excellent teachers on effectiveness and student achievement, then he has made a terrible mistake. Yes, there is and has been a real need for school reform in Hoboken, but a scorched earth policy of destroying every trace of previous administrations’ sources of pride achieves no purpose whatsoever. The Hoboken Theater Program and the Johns Hopkins Gifted and Talented Program have been points of excellence in a school system still trying to find its way. I urge parents and community members who believe that our children’s education should not be compromised by petty politics to contact members of the school board, or Dr. Toback himself. Their email addresses are published on the Hoboken Public Schools web page:

Danny Schott

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