Hudson Reporter Archive

Another, um, ‘fan’ of Cake Boss

Dear Editor:
On several passes of Carlos Bakery this past weekend I noticed, among the crowd waiting to enter the store, was one of Hoboken’s finest performing crowd control. Not only were the officers calling for the next group to cross over Newark Avenue to wait in line, they were taking pictures of them in front of the store! I am curious, does the “Cake Boss” pay for this service? Why are we, the over taxed and under serviced residents of this fine city, paying for security at Carlos Bakery? At a time of police layoffs and increased crime here in Hoboken, I am sure “Buddy” can be called upon to provide his own security, just as every bar in Hoboken must do at nighttime. The police here do a great job, so lets allow them to perform the duties they were trained for, to protect, serve and keep safe the residents of Hoboken and not act as private security guards.

Rich Wolff

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