Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote the scoundrels out

Dear Editor:
Americans by and large are a patient people. We believe in second chances and redemption. Sometimes this leads us to make mistakes – particularly in the political arena. But one if the great things about this country is that eventually we see behind the curtain.
Regardless of how bad things get, regardless of how corrupt the system might be, even if we are duped into electing a corrupt mayor (as we did with Peter Cammarano), eventually we will discover the truth.
Eventually we will say this far but no further.
Eventually the shroud will be lifted and the bad guys exposed.
Eventually there will be an election where we can make things better.
Eventually we will use our vote (a right too many of us take for granted, but that many others around the world are still fighting and dying for).
And if enough of us feel the same way, eventually our vote will help end the reign of corruption, and the idea that average citizens are nothing more than fodder for the few.
The only question is, will eventually be today, or will we have to wait another few years?
Hoboken is different from most other cities. Individuals can make a difference. Elections can be won and lost by just a handful of votes. If you don’t like what’s going on with the City Council, you can vote the scoundrels out. The phrase “every vote counts” could have been invented for Hoboken.
If you are sick and tired of not just corruption, but the attitude that corruption is the normal, everyday way of doing business, then vote the scoundrels out.
They can intimidate you into putting signs in your window, but there is one thing they are powerless against. Your vote. It’s secret.
And if you don’t vote, don’t complain the next time you see one of our esteemed Council people on another FBI tape.

Steve Sternberg 1st Ward Committee Man

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