Hudson Reporter Archive

Politicians come and go

Dear Editor:
Labor unions are and have always been a good thing. Unions have collectively bargained for benefits over many years. What is wrong with fighting for the American dream – homeownership, decent wages and health care? Unions want safe and healthy work environments for all employees and reasonable work schedules. Is that really too much to expect?
Politicians come and go. I’ve been protecting the citizenry for a long time. When I was hired as a fireman 23.5 years ago, I was promised that as long I didn’t die, I would collect a pension in retirement that was a calculation and percentage of earnings bargained for over my 25 or 30 years of service. If I did die, my family would be provided for and reap the benefits of security in my absence.
Public union employees are here to serve the public. Never a cop when you need one. It took forever for the firemen or EMS to get there – guess what? When these positions are cut, residents’ lives and safety will be in jeopardy. How much can we cut from these services without affecting our quality of life? How much is it worth?
Public employee’s pensions were raided and re-evaluated by state politicians who didn’t contribute any funds for years. They also approved payment holidays for municipalities and county governments. Did taxes ever go down? NO, they rarely ever do. Health insurance costs have doubled since 2000; shouldn’t politicians want to know why? Shouldn’t they care?
If public employee pensions are a burden on the taxpaying public, then really aren’t all retirees are a burden on society? Any/all government subsidies for businesses and for people should end. I guess we should just stop paying Social Security. Who cares? Let’s empty all the nursing homes, too. Why pay for Medicare/Medicaid either? Those collecting this benefit – do they really deserve it? Can’t pay rent – out in the street. Unemployed, too bad – no unemployment for you. No food stamps – starve. No money – debtor’s prison until us taxpayers can’t afford that cost either.
Oil Corporations are realizing billions in profits, while average people can’t afford to buy gas. Wall Street rebounds creating millions of dollars for the rich, while average people can’t buy groceries or afford their homes/apartments. These same Wall St. firms, the big banks and hedge funds, spent over 135 billions of dollars for bonuses!! The governor wants all to share in the “pain”, but he also will not raise taxes for New Jersey’s 200,000 millionaires. That’s right, New Jersey has over 212,000 millionaire households. These folk are pretty far from hard times.
It seems to me, the governor doesn’t want those with the money to share anything. He supports those that have plenty and attacks middle class workers. The governor wants to legislate instead of negotiate. He is looking to change the retirement rules for all government workers, regardless if they have been employed 1 day or 24 plus years. This is fair? Let’s not lose focus because he is doing a great job of convincing the public that unions are to blame. Really?

Captain David Flood
North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue

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