Hudson Reporter Archive

Mayor Zimmer supports Kids First

Dear Editor:
I am writing to express my strong support for the Kids First team of Jean Marie Mitchell, Clifford Godfrey and Steven Feinstein in the school board election on Wednesday, April 27. Our schools are headed in the right direction and we must ensure that the progress continues. Kids First is helping our children succeed while at the same time controlling costs by eliminating waste and restoring accountability. At a time when districts across the state have been raising taxes due to rising costs and reductions in state aid, our school tax levy has been kept flat for two years in a row, and is at the lowest level permitted by law.
Our new Superintendent, Dr. Mark Toback, is a seasoned educator with a long track record of success. We have good reason to be optimistic about the future of our schools, and it is critical that we keep the progress going.
Our schools are a critical part of the success of our community, as more and more young people realize that Hoboken is a great place not just to start a family, but to raise one. In just a few short years, the Kids First Team has succeeded in raising expectations with important achievements like the hiring of Dr.Toback, the transitioning to a comprehensive Advanced Placement program, expanding the laptop program and bringing in resources our children need like new Math textbooks and Science Kits for all elementary grades for the first time in 12 years.
Like the rest of the Kids First team, Jean Marie Mitchell, Clifford Godfrey and Steven Feinstein are committed to our children, and their backgrounds and skills will enable them to be enormous assets to our schools, Jean Marie has served on the School Board for the past year and has been an integral part of the Kids First team. Steven Feinstein, a successful attorney with two teen aged children (one of whom attends Hoboken High School), served with distinction for 4 years as the President of the Elysian Charter School Board. Clifford Godfrey, an engineer and graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, has a strong background of involvement with our young people and a commitment to building our community for the future.
I urge you to cast your votes for Jean Marie Mitchell, Steven Feinstein and Clifford Godfrey on Wednesday April 27.

Mayor Dawn Zimmer

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