Hudson Reporter Archive

If you haven’t heard

Dear Editor:
Councilman Michael Russo and his wife recently became proud parents of a baby girl. I want to congratulate them on the new addition to Russo family and wish them nothing but good health and happiness in the years to come.
And, if you haven’t seen Councilman Russo talking proudly of their new addition on the Channel 78, let
me paraphrase. “She’s beautiful, can’t wait to get home, even at this hour I can’t wait to see my daughter etc. etc.”
Now, it’s with that mind, I think the citizens of the third ward have a once in a life time opportunity. That is you can vote for Councilman’s Russo’s opponent Mr. Greg Lincoln in the upcoming 3rd Ward Council Election. That way Councilman Russo will be able to spend quality time with all the Russo family. Remember, when you go behind the curtain no one knows how you really voted.
And should Councilwoman Mason loose in her re-election attempt, maybe she’d be available to baby sit.

John P Carey
P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, as of this date I’ve never met or talked to Mr. Greg Lincoln.

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