Hudson Reporter Archive


Fire Fighters rescue 61-year-old women from a high-rise fire

Firefighters plucked a 61-year-old woman from a fire in the senior housing building at 535 Avenue A at about 11:38 p.m. on April 17 — although the blaze took the life of the woman’s cat.
With smoke alarms going off, firefighters responded to the sixth floor of the 11-story building and encountered heavy smoke in the hall and smoke pushing out from one of the apartments, where – after they forced their way in – they found a sofa burning and the fire extending up the wall. The 61-year-old woman was unconscious on the floor.
Captain Robert Bartos, aided by Captain John Leahy and firefighters Craig Sisk and Dave Korzun, dragged the victim to safety.
The unconscious victim was barely breathing when rescued, and firefighters provided respiratory assistance in the elevator during their descent to the lobby. The victim was passed over to the EMS and transported to Bayonne Medical Center, where she reportedly regained consciousness.
Firefighters extinguished the fire using fire hoses advanced from a standpipe system. When the smoke cleared, a large cat was discovered to have perished, likely from heat and smoke inhalation. The apartment suffered fire, smoke, and water damage.
The Fire Investigator determined that the fire originated in the sofa, the result of careless smoking. The victim reportedly stated that she dropped a lit cigarette before the fire occurred. Several cigarettes, and a lighter, were found near the sofa.
“The firemen did a great job saving this women’s life, and I commend them,” said Fire Chief Greg Rogers. “Dealing with a fire in a high-rise building is both physically and tactically challenging, and it’s apparent that their efforts paid off.”

Storm kept fire department busy

The Bayonne Fire Department responded to a series of storm-related incidents on April 16, which included siding blowing off a building on Lord Avenue, a damaged construction fence on Avenue E, and trees down on West 14th, West 26th, and West 39th streets, Prospect Avenue, and Avenue C.
The fire department also had to deal with cable wires down on 16th Street and Avenue E, as well as several flooded basements on West 14th Street, as well as one on Avenue C.

Finishing touches for Broadway paving project expected soon

Mayor Mark A. Smith announced that a contractor will put the finishing touches on the 2010 Broadway paving project as soon as possible. That work had been scheduled for the nights of April 18 to the 21. However, the rainy weather expected for this week has caused the work to be rescheduled for next week, weather permitting. The contractor needs four consecutive days of dry weather to complete the project. The work will involve reopening and sealing the joints in the pavement from 17th Street to 29th Street on Broadway. These steps will enable the pavement to expand and contract to avoid damage as temperatures change in the years ahead. A similar sawing and sealing process took place on Broadway after the previous paving project there in 2003. When the main part of the paving project finished in late 2010, the final sealing was postponed until now.
Signs will be posted on Broadway to give 48 hours of notice for the work, subject to the weather. The plan involves doing phased work on four blocks per night, between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. City officials requested overnight hours for the work, in order to minimize the impact on Broadway businesses. Four-block no parking areas will be established in stages, as needed, night by night. There will be limited lane closings on Broadway in order to have space to seal the pavement. Police officers will be directing traffic, and will allow the Broadway Bus to stay in operation all four nights. Traffic will also be allowed on the cross streets.

County students push sports restoration issue

Students from County Prep and High Tech High School got a unique civics lesson last week at Hudson County’s annual Student Government Day on April 12.
Freeholder Chair Bill O’Dea reviewed the proposed student freeholders’ agenda and asked the students what the most important issue to them was. When an almost universal answer was bringing sports back to the two schools, O’Dea (who fought unsuccessfully last year to keep the sports program) smiled and asked why then that was not on the agenda. Two of the students asked to speak to the freeholder alone for a moment, and when they came back into the room he explained they would be learning something new today, about the term “pocket resolution.” Though O’Dea left before the actual meeting began, one of the students made a motion at the end of the meeting to vote on an additional item, a resolution requesting the restoration of sports at County Prep and High Tech High School. The student, Namrah Hussain (president of the Student Council at County Prep) pulled out and handed out a hand written resolution calling on the school and county to restore sports. The resolution passed unanimously. Two days later, Hussain showed up at the freeholder meeting to present it to the real Freeholder Board. O’Dea proceeded to name an ad hoc committee of three freeholders to meet with the school to discuss the matter, and invited Hussain to take part in the process. When asked about the matter, O’Dea said that he thought it was important that all elected officials help mentor future elected officials and pointed out that Freeholder Jeff Dublin started out as a “protégé” of his.

Empty Sky memorial benefit dinner scheduled for May 9

The New Jersey 9/11 Memorial Foundation volunteer Board of Directors are pleased to announce that their debut Empty Sky Memorial Benefit Dinner will take place on Monday, May 9. The event will be hosted by New Jersey’s 101.5 FM’s Dennis Malloy and featured musical entertainment Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard, and J. Robert Spencer – The Midtown Men, who are four stars of the original cast of “Jersey Boys.”
Beginning at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 9, the Empty Sky Memorial Benefit Dinner will be hosted in the luxuriously stunning Grand Ballroom at the opulent Hilton, located in exquisitely charming Short Hills N.J.
The cocktail hour with a Silent Auction benefiting the Empty Sky endowment will be followed with each guest’s individual choice of dinner – guaranteed to savor – when selected from a chef’s award winning cuisine from the fresh, sophisticated menu and served in world class style at the chic Hilton Short Hills.
The first of kin volunteer staff who comprise the Board of Directors of the New Jersey 9/11 Memorial Foundation extend an open invitation to not only the families of 9/11, first responders, and 9/11 supporters and volunteers, but to the general public at large, private and corporate entities, as well as any others who are interested in attending or supporting this important event funding the endowment who would like to purchase tickets to attend this soiree. Simply visit for easy instruction on how to purchase these event tickets or to simply make a donation. Ticket purchases, table purchases, and donations can be paid for easily via PayPal on their website.
For reservations and assistance with website online credit card donation payments, contact Rick Cahill at (862) 485-0580 or via email at; or Faith Miller at (732) 816-7830 or via email at

Flood of kittens in need of adoption

The Bayonne Feral Cat Foundation said it has been inundated with calls for help with kittens.
“As I am sure you know, it is kitten season everywhere,” Founder Katherine Henderson said. “In this particular situation, we have two stray mothers and two litters for a total of 11 kittens born in one yard, and the home owner is frantic.”
The cats are barely two weeks old.
“We are in desperate need of donations for their medical care, along with spay/neuters for the adults as well as the kittens as soon as they are old enough,” she said. “Also, if anyone is willing to foster them, as they are living in makeshift boxes in the yard, that would be a big help. We also have an on-line donation site.”
For more information, call (201) 437-3232, email, or go to the website

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