Hudson Reporter Archive

Tom Greaney tells it like it is

Dear Editor:
I find that I don’t watch all that much television these days but a few weeks ago around midnight in a fit of insomnia I found myself torn between watching one program dealing with how to pick out weddings gowns with four opinionated bridesmaids in tow and another on how Hoboken’s City goes about passing critical legislation
I must admit that, after midnight, I’m limited in my viewing choices given that it is the law in our home that my wife has our remote control in a death grip. She chose and we watched the Hoboken City Council meeting even as it dragged inexorably on to what we both hoped would be a merciful ending.
While one of my eyes watched City Clerk Farina walking in and out of range of the camera and Councilman Russo passing which looked to me to be hand signals to Council President Mason, my other eye read the Reporter’s letters to the editor one of which was from a Fifth Ward Council candidate who was displeased by some things dealing with the Mayor. The candidate in question is a good fellow but what struck me was his choice of words. He described himself as being “utterly horrified,” “equally horrified,” “baffled” and, as if that weren’t enough, “horrified” yet again. Ouch!
I wondered, could the letter’s author have been a student of Perry “Thesaurus Rex” Belfiorie?
While Fifth Ward voters can make what they will from the demagogic letter in question, we Second Ward voters have a candidate, Tom Greaney, whose words stand in stark contrast to it. I encourage anyone given the opportunity to hear Mr. Greaney speak, to take it. Tom is a truly marvelous speaker; a straight talker who needs no verbal embellishments to make his point. He tells it like it is and our city is most fortunate to have him as a candidate for City Council. We will be even more fortunate when he is elected.

A. Siss

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