Hudson Reporter Archive

Appropriate way to display our American Flag

Dear Editor:
I am writing this letter in regard to the upcoming Memorial Day Parade, as you may be aware we proudly display an American Flag across the breadth of Washington Street to honor veterans during our parade Unfortunately last year someone sent a letter into the editor admonishing the Fire department for being disrespectful to veterans in the manner in which the flag was displayed.
I read that letter with much disappointment due in no small part because of the care that we take in insuring that the American Flag is displayed appropriately and proudly to demonstrate the respect we have for all veterans. I was also dismayed that the author of that letter chose to paint the Fire Department in a bad light rather than contacting me directly and allowing me to satisfy his/her concern and to clarify the issue for that individual.
The Hoboken Fire Department is extremely appreciative of our veterans and would never willfully disrespect or insult any of them. Since we will once again proudly be displaying the American Flag for everyone’s edification we follow the Federal Flag Code which can be found under:
Public Law 94-344, 94th Congress, S.J. Res. 49 July 7, 1976, Joint Resolution (hard copy being mailed to the Editor).On page 2 letter (j) it states the following: “When the flag is displayed over the middle of the street, it should be suspended vertically with the union to the north in an east and west street or to the east in a north and south street.”
I respectfully ask you to print this letter in your paper as close to the Memorial Day parade as possible for two reasons. One is to reach out for the individual who was concerned enough to write a letter to your paper and explain the department’s source off direction in displaying the American Flag. The second is for any other individuals that are interested in knowing what the appropriate way to display our American Flag should be to honor our veterans on this very special day.

Richard Blohm
Fire Chief

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