Hudson Reporter Archive

Has the Secaucus school system lost its soul?

Dear Editor:
After attending the Board of Education meeting on March 24 is quite disheartening to someone that is a product of the Secaucus school system to see such a drastic change in such a short period of time.
When morale is low in industry, production suffers. When morale is low in a school system the children suffer. It seems to me that the morale in the district is at an all time low. From the amount of teachers that now must go to the meetings to say that they are being bullied and intimidated on an almost daily basis, something has to be wrong.
We cannot allow this to happen. Changes need to be made and they need to be made soon.
These teachers go in front of the board and are asking for help and answers to their questions and a lot of the time the board members just sit there and either say nothing or say they haven’t heard anything about what the teacher is talking about. You can only ignore a problem for so long before it blows up in your face.
I am a teacher and I know what it is like to wake up in the morning and want to go to work because I love what I do. I can only imagine what it would be like if I hated going to work every day.
Secaucus is a small town, and over the past few years that feeling has gone away. It’s time to bring some change to the Board of Education and bring that small town feeling back again.

Joseph Lewis

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