Hudson Reporter Archive

Is Michael Russo telling the truth?

Dear Editor:
I have been a resident of Hoboken for over 20 years. Michael Russo did something last week which is beyond belief. He said he knew nothing of his father receiving five years of medical benefits from Hoboken. It seems to me that he is not truthful. If he did in fact know and did not report it, he is now lying. If he did not know about it; where is his concern for his parents during his father’s cancer? Either way, he comes off as less than a concerned son. Almost all sons would have been in touch with their parents during a crisis, and asked if they were able to manage financially, and could he help. If he had done this, I am sure he would have been informed about the insurance. We hear a lot of bluster from Mr. Russo but here was a real chance to act and do the city a real service and he failed miserably.

Gene Deveney

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