Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken teen’s words of wisdom

Dear Editor,

I didn’t want to continue complaining or talking about politics because that does not help anything. We all know that Hoboken has issues and that those issues aren’t going to be corrected right away but I just wanted to post what I was thinking about anything and everything. Worrying about the past negatives will make it much harder to have the future be more positive. Life is a game that isn’t about winning or losing but about making compromises and cutting your loses. Everybody loses at life because everybody dies. It is your duty as humans to live life to the fullest and get all you can out of it.
We are given the ability to make the best of situations and it is your job to do just that. Nothing comes easy and no one will ever just hand you things on a silver platter. You have to bust your ass and push yourself to be the best you can be. Cliché as that may sound it is true. You are the only person who can hold yourself back. No one else can make your choices for you. Life is very much like running track, which I actually did, you get onto a track and all you can think about is winning and doing the best you can do. But the best part of track is that being first isn’t everything, you are running against yourself and once you realize that you are set. You don’t need a ton of medals on your wall and you don’t need a ton of reporters asking you questions. What really matters is that you did the best YOU can do and that you’re satisfied with that.
It’s taken me almost 17 years to realize that I am the only one who can stop me from achieving greatness. Where there is a will there is a way. This holds so true to life, as long as you have the passion and the fire within you to push yourself as far as you need to go then you can do anything. Life is not about what you got for this holiday or who got this for whose birthday. When you sit back and look at everything that is free and that the world, in all her beauty, has to offer you, it releases all of your stress and anger. There is so much to appreciate in the world and all you have to do is make the choice to go out there and find it. Everybody is different and everybody has different desires. But that’s the glory of living; you have the chance to find out what suits you! I am not a doctor and I am not a psychologist.
I am just a 16, almost 17-year- old kid who is sick of being angry and sick of being looked down upon for his mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes and everybody learns from them. It is your decision on which mistakes and the lessons learned from them stay with you for the rest of your life. Change is something everyone wants but few have accomplished. One direction, one reason, one answer, no one picks the path you walk down but yourself, your choices, your mistakes, and your own success. You have the power to change the world with just the smallest action. What are you going to do with that power?


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