Hudson Reporter Archive

Brian Stack is a true leader

Dear Editor:
For some time, I have wanted to express to the community of Hudson County some details of our Union City community that perhaps many do not know. It is not a secret that I have already nine years working for the city of Union City and on many occasions as a group with the county of Hudson. With all these years inside of the Union City administration, I can be a witness of all the good things that have been done in this city.
Hon. Mayor Stack has shown that is a man of good feelings, who has sacrificed many years of his life helping the Union City community and the entire county of Hudson.
I am not speaking of turkeys, neither toys, which are important things in the community; I am referring the work that he has done since 2003 up to now. My friend Brian does not sleep thinking about the next thing that wants to do to benefit the community; always thinking how to help our children, the adults, victims of fire, undocumented population and number of things that the majority of NJ community “leaders” do not think about it.
I really can not understand why some people want to dirty his name with low blows and accusations without caliber. We must look his years as our mayor and state senator and see the amount of good things achieved by him and his administration. Mayor Stack is a true leader and has shown that he lives to serve the community without expecting anything back.
It is very easy to say, “I want to be the mayor, or criticize from afar,” but very difficult to carry out everything that this man has done for all of us without discrimination of nationality, neither color of skin. He does not care if you are a “legal or illegal” constituent in this country; he helps everybody. I do not want to exaggerate but my friend Brian is a man that deserves respect and not only that, he deserves our help and our loyalty so he can continue leading this community and help those who really in need.
My unconditional support for you my mayor, but more, my support as a good friend you have been to me.

Kennedy Ng

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