Hudson Reporter Archive

Bayonne ordinance on rent control tabled

BAYONNE — Saying he was fed up with the misinformation being spread about a proposed revision of the city’s rent control ordinance, Council President Terrence Ruane said he intends to table the matter at the March 16 meeting of the City Council.
Speaking at the March 9 council caucus meeting, Ruane said he had received numerous phone calls about the ordinance, and many of the suggestions were good. But he also said that some people with political agendas have been spreading misinformation about what the ordinance does.
The ordinance would allow landlords to opt out of rent control if they meet certain standards for upgrading their property, but the proposed law would not affect senior citizens, the disabled, or those who meet federal low income criteria.
Several groups in the city were gearing up for the March 16 public hearing on the matter, with a rally against the changes scheduled to take place on March 14 in front of City Hall on Avenue C – changes that are likely to take place anyway since the City Council can reintroduce the ordinance at any time. – Al Sullivan

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